10 Sep Saf Challenge
For the launch of the new Saf-instant yeast,
we invite you to take part in our great bakery competition: Saf Challenge

Thank you all for your participation to the Saf Challenge. The Lesaffre jury has selected the 10 bakers based on the Saf Challenge rules and regulations:
- EricLavergne-saf (Madagascar),
- FlorentKouadioYao (Ivory Coast),
- Hayat (Algeria),
- JeanMarkKonan (Ivory Coast),
- JohnMunyambu (Kenya),
- LahiruPrasadLiyanage (Sri Lanka),
- LamineNiang (Gambia),
- Meeday (Nigeria),
- SamsonTuluAyano (Ethiopia),
- TameruAsresBesha (Djibouti).
The 10 bakers will take part to the final part of the competition at the Baking Center™ in Abidjan, from January 25th to 29th 2020.
How to participate?

Create an account to view the competition rules and regulations. (click here to download the app)

Post a video of your baker’s dream on the Saf-instant app from September 30th to October 29th 2019. The Saf-instant community will vote for the best dreams to become reality.

The 10 bakers with the most votes on their video will be selected for the second part of the competition, at the Baking Center™ in Abidjan, all expenses paid, from January 25th to 29th 2020.

The finalists will prepare two original Saf-instant yeast-based recipes in front of a jury made up of professionals. Time to show off your expertise!
Only bakers aged 18 or over can take part in this competition. Lesaffre reserves the right to remove videos of an abusive or violent nature. Following voting, the baking skills of each of the winning bakers will be verified; Lesaffre reserves the right to not continue with any unsuitable applications. Download the full notice